mrdaxton 28th July 2011

Hey El Pedrone, I'll never forget the first time I met your unpredictable ass. This is because you hazed me. It was 12 years ago in the Phi Delt House, I was pledging, you were still in high school, and Daniel thought it would be funny. The rest was indeed some diabolical history. There are so many 'never forget' moments (which I'm lucky to be able to remember a fraction of) to mention. This includes the wicked road trips to New Orleans and South Padre which we were all lucky to have survived, the Panic shows, the Beau Rivage Casino underage gambling, St. Paddy’s Days on Bourbon , various happenings with concerts and things thrown from hotels rooms in Memphis, weird and amazing nights out at Disco back in the day which involved various chemicals, raiding the golf course storage room for beer(they finally set up a scarecrow dummy thing to try to scare us off, which it didn't), late night Kroger runs for Porky’s ribs, driving the golf cart into the pond at the Cliffs(alright that was on me, you made me stop so you could get out and let me do it on my own), golfing at that cheap-ass Razorback golf course with a cooler of beer and some green, grilling at that cool house that you and Coker had in Fayetteville, and so many others. However, one period of time stands out, which was my final semester at U of A in the spring of '03, when you and I kicked it all the time. You showed up at my house with Neil, the autistic kid that you were taking care of that always wore the Darth Maul t-shirts and had long hair. I had no idea what was going on when you showed up, and of course, you didn't tell me anything. This freaked me out, but you in your everlasting off-beat sense of humor (which runs in your fam and I've since picked up), thought it was hilarious. I honestly thought that you had just found some hippie tripping balls somewhere and picked him up to bring over and mess with me. It turns out you were just taking care of a disabled kid and decided not to mention any details. There’s Paul always surprising you with some basic compassion. Anyway, I'll always remember that Spring and all the driving you, me, Neil, and the choco lab Tipper did around NWA, to golf courses, wal-marts, shopping malls, and other random places all while blasting some Krayzie Bone in the Rover. That was a time when I really needed a friend, and, lucky for me, I had the best possible person to chill with. Positive energy is all you were, bro. Thanks for sharin' some with me. I have plenty more good time memories to recount and laugh about, but I'll wait a bit and share them with you on the other side. Cheers Paul, love you as a brother, we’ll meet again when it’s time. ‘Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.’ -Marcus Aurelius