Michelle 15th September 2011

The moon's been full recently. It always makes me more introverted. I have no doubt you're sitting on it, when I sit in my yard and stare upwards to the Heavens on nights like those. Maybe you're next to Garcia? With my sister and other brother, I know... I miss you a lot. I still have trouble believing it is real. Sometimes, I cry. I can still hear the sound of your voice, and the different crazy ones you would make on the phone when being the ham that you are. We had some great times together. Attached at the hip our first year of UCA. I miss your laugh. We were always laughing about something. Never a dull moment. At times, we had our sibling spats - but they never lasted long... I'm thankful I never held back on telling you how much I love you. I remember all of my random bear hugs, when I was hyper or excited, that caught you off guard in a head lock. You'd make the helpless face of a little boy being kissed by a doting, elderly relative - but you never pulled away from my smooches. I'm very grateful you knew just how much you meant to me. During our last phone conversation, I find peace in knowing my last words to you were "I love you." Even as my boyfriend sat next to me. He knew what a special person to me you are... I'm disappointed the many others whose lifes you blessed have not shared their own thoughts here. It's okay, though. I'm just pleased I have a more personal outlet to do so than Facebook. I miss you, brother. I feel fortunate to have such strong ties to your family and friends, but I still feel all alone when they're not near. I know you're always with me, though, and you don't want any of us to be sad. No worries. Those feelings come and go - thinking of you brings a smile to my face more often than a tear. And I know each day without you just brings me one more day closer to kissing those cheeks, again! I love you always, Paulina. XOXO, Spider Monkey.